A couple years back - so, a lot of years back - I was with a Ministry, Teen Mania Ministries, in Lindale TX. While there I knew two brothers and their lovely wives. As time happens, we lose touch with me people and before you know it someone you knew in High School has 5 kids and you didnt even know they were married! Well, this is what happened with these two brothers. Time passed and before you know it, I hear one of them is in the Final Stages on Liver Failure. I knew from the pictures I had seen on FB that he did not look the same, but I thought that that was just my memory. Then I hear that another brother - I did not know there were more than the two - is donating part of his liver so that his brother will have the chance to see his kids grow up. Great story, right? Well, this is where it gets difficult....you know there is always that chance, the littlest one; the one the doctors tell you about and then say, not to worry because it wont happen, they just have to tell you that it could. In this case, .001%. Yes, the decimal is correct - .001%. And, it happened. Ryan Arnold who was in perfect health, died to save his brother, Chad.
When I first heard about the transplant, I thought - excellent. Ryan's healthy, he will be okay. I hope Chad's body doesn't reject the organ....I never thought it would happen to Ryan.
Here is the point of this telling, would you give your life to save another, knowing that you could really be giving your life? When Chad's Dad told him Ryan had passed, he followed it with - God is still a Good God. Could You say that after losing a child, a friend, a parent when it seems all wrong? I would like to think I could, on both accounts. I would like to think that I would be able to say that my life is no more important than another and that when it was all said and done, that I could still say my God is Good. But, Would You? Could You?
To read the full story, go to www.kdvr.com/news/kdvr-liver-transplant-death-txt,0,3369112.story
To read Chad's Blog as he recovers, go to http://cometoofar.com/
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How Do You?
I know. Interesting question that could mean so many things, depending on your frame of mind. How do you see yourself? How do you wake up in the morning? How do you decide what to do each day? How do you see others? How do you react when things dont go your way; when they do?
For me, it depends on the day for most of these. I am, however, an optimist and choose to always see the glass as half full. I am able - in most cases - to see the good in every situation and am rarely the Debbie Downer. I will trust you until you give me a reason not to. I do also listen to the Spirit in my perception of people. I know on first encounter if you can be trusted and if you will be worth the time it will take to cultivate a relationship. If the answer is no, you may never really know (I am a Poker Player, you know) how I feel but you will never get my full attention. Maybe this is wrong, but I like to think of it as me staying out of trouble and regretting any time wasted on that individual. Randy has even asked me to come on estimates with him so that I am able to help him decide on the job. And he actually listens to my opinion.
I do wish there were other things that I did differently. I fully understand that I am a work in progress and will always be; that my day to day is missing some key elements and I hope to change that as well; that I would make better choices at times when it comes to how I spend my day and with whom; that the words I speak can always come back to bite me and I should be carefully about how sharp I make those teeth.
My challenge to you is this: think about "How you....." Make a decision every day before you get out of bed to see the glass half full; to not let yesterday's mistakes affect today's choices; to find the good in the people around you, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. Choose to live your life for you and not through others. At the end of the day, and at the end of our lives, we are only accountable for our actions and choices. Try to remember the next time you have to decide "How you...."
For me, it depends on the day for most of these. I am, however, an optimist and choose to always see the glass as half full. I am able - in most cases - to see the good in every situation and am rarely the Debbie Downer. I will trust you until you give me a reason not to. I do also listen to the Spirit in my perception of people. I know on first encounter if you can be trusted and if you will be worth the time it will take to cultivate a relationship. If the answer is no, you may never really know (I am a Poker Player, you know) how I feel but you will never get my full attention. Maybe this is wrong, but I like to think of it as me staying out of trouble and regretting any time wasted on that individual. Randy has even asked me to come on estimates with him so that I am able to help him decide on the job. And he actually listens to my opinion.
I do wish there were other things that I did differently. I fully understand that I am a work in progress and will always be; that my day to day is missing some key elements and I hope to change that as well; that I would make better choices at times when it comes to how I spend my day and with whom; that the words I speak can always come back to bite me and I should be carefully about how sharp I make those teeth.
My challenge to you is this: think about "How you....." Make a decision every day before you get out of bed to see the glass half full; to not let yesterday's mistakes affect today's choices; to find the good in the people around you, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. Choose to live your life for you and not through others. At the end of the day, and at the end of our lives, we are only accountable for our actions and choices. Try to remember the next time you have to decide "How you...."
Friday, August 6, 2010
Another Day Goes By
Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you would have ______ ? Insert whatever you want there: gone to a different College, not taken that trip, sent that email, made that phone call, etc. Some many little decisions end up being big decisions in the end. The School you chose is where you found your Spouse; The Trip you took is where you got a flat and made a new best friends; The email started a chain reaction that raised thousands for your Ministry; A phone call you didn't make was the last time you would have been able to talk to your friend. Every decision we make will make a ripple effect, we just dont know to what extent. And, really, we will never know the full extent as each decision, prompts other decisions which prompt other decisions, etc.
This, I have been thinking about a lot recently. Why? Who knows. But when I think back, in High School Kevin was fined by the Military for damaging Gov't property when he injured himself on Leave which helped me decide not to go to the Academy. Yes, I was supposed to go to the Academy - Air Force or Navy, I had yet to decide. That one situation changed my future and turned me in a totally different direction that has resulted in my not ever going to College. I even married a man that is totally against it as a whole. What if when Bruce asked me what I was doing Saturday, I said "Nothing"? Would I have ever gone to the website, where I met my husband? Would I have ever even met Randy? Would I still be living in NOVA? So many small things have such long range results, I wonder how many times we take that into consideration when we do something, dont do something, say or not say something.
What about those of us who have lost a loved one or heard of something tragic happening and think, "I was going to call them" or "I was supposed to be there, but...." When we are prompted by that little voice, how many times do we listen? Or how many times do we think, "I'll do it later", or "That isnt going to matter"? That little voice, it is what keeps us out of trouble or even allows us to keep others out of trouble. The next time it speaks, take a little more time to listen. It could have far reaching consequences for Generations to come.
This, I have been thinking about a lot recently. Why? Who knows. But when I think back, in High School Kevin was fined by the Military for damaging Gov't property when he injured himself on Leave which helped me decide not to go to the Academy. Yes, I was supposed to go to the Academy - Air Force or Navy, I had yet to decide. That one situation changed my future and turned me in a totally different direction that has resulted in my not ever going to College. I even married a man that is totally against it as a whole. What if when Bruce asked me what I was doing Saturday, I said "Nothing"? Would I have ever gone to the website, where I met my husband? Would I have ever even met Randy? Would I still be living in NOVA? So many small things have such long range results, I wonder how many times we take that into consideration when we do something, dont do something, say or not say something.
What about those of us who have lost a loved one or heard of something tragic happening and think, "I was going to call them" or "I was supposed to be there, but...." When we are prompted by that little voice, how many times do we listen? Or how many times do we think, "I'll do it later", or "That isnt going to matter"? That little voice, it is what keeps us out of trouble or even allows us to keep others out of trouble. The next time it speaks, take a little more time to listen. It could have far reaching consequences for Generations to come.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Just Me
Today I had a very interesting thing happen which has prompted me to make sure who I am is Loud and Clear. I have a Facebook Page which I am on all the time. I enjoy keeping up with friends I have not seem since High School but also with friends I may have seen yesterday. I also get business on this page and have family as part of my "friends" group, including 2 nephews under the age of 15. Today, I was told my Posts were offensive. Seriously, my posts that my DAD, MOM and 2 Nephews read are offensive?! SO, I got to thinking and the only thing I could come up with is the recent posts about Music Preference. I am really enjoying "Our God" by Chris Tomlin. REALLY enjoying it. If it were a tape, it would probably be worn out by now. Seriously enjoying this song. And if that is the post that has prompted the Un-Friending and the Offensive comment, than maybe I have not made myself clear. Just so that we are all on the same page, I am a Born Again, Spirit Filled Christian. I believe the Bible, ALL of it - including the parts about Healing the Sick and Raising the Dead. There is nothing that anyone could say, do or show me that would change this. There is not a part of me that would ever, for one second, denounce this FACT or try to turn away from it. Without God, none of us would wake up in the morning and I am very much aware of this fact and owe my everything to Him.
Now, having said that, I have friends that are not Christians. I have friends that are. I have friends that are Jewish and I have friends that are Athiest and Agnostic. I have Straight friends and I have Gay friends. I have friends in Ministry all over the World and friends that would never consider going into the Ministry. My beliefs do not change who they are or my level of acceptance of them. I love all my friends the same and am very thankful to have each one.
When I said yesterday that I was hoping this Blog would have a point and be a Growth for me, I surely was not expecting this. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that maybe this is the best way to start. I don't know what tomorrow will bring or what lesson(s) I will learn, but I look forward to the Journey. I hope that you will stick with me for it.
Now, having said that, I have friends that are not Christians. I have friends that are. I have friends that are Jewish and I have friends that are Athiest and Agnostic. I have Straight friends and I have Gay friends. I have friends in Ministry all over the World and friends that would never consider going into the Ministry. My beliefs do not change who they are or my level of acceptance of them. I love all my friends the same and am very thankful to have each one.
When I said yesterday that I was hoping this Blog would have a point and be a Growth for me, I surely was not expecting this. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that maybe this is the best way to start. I don't know what tomorrow will bring or what lesson(s) I will learn, but I look forward to the Journey. I hope that you will stick with me for it.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Here We Go Again, One More Time
So, I cant seem to stick to this Blog thing for long and then when I do get back to it, it never seems to be what it was. That being said, I am going to try yet another new angle. I really do want this to be a learning experience. Not just for me, but for anyone who happens upon it. I have friends with Blogs about their Kids - no kids here; their New Recipes - I can cook and bake with the best of them, but make something up? Uh, No; their adventures on the road - vacation, sure but a lifetime?; politics - not here, not ever (yes, I have a VERY strong opinion but I do not feel that this is not the place to express it....So I have decided I am just going to write. My daily life or whatever else happens to fly off my fingertips. I hope to use this as a way to be purposeful and learn something new everyday. You so don't want to hear about how I slept in and ran errands and didn't make phone calls everyday. I know this and I hope to keep it moving forward with new insights and keep off the mundane.
I hope that you enjoy this new avenue and let's see how long I keep this one going.
I hope that you enjoy this new avenue and let's see how long I keep this one going.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
So, I'm Lazy....like we all didnt know that
So, I wake up every morning and look at the Red Dress - You know, the one that is the ultimate goal - and wonder how I will screw it up today. I have had 6wks and I get going real good for a couple of days then off the wagon I fall. I should be so much closer to my goal and all I can say is that I have not gained any weight. Yep, a loser I am and am not, just depending on how you look at it. I just cant seem to get the right motivation going....
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Randy Noticed
So, I am been thinking that it has been some time since I last posted a blog or even pulled a dress out of the closet. I have been walking and running, doing the WiiFit Plus when time is an issue, so I am still sticking to this whole "lose weight look hot so other guys are jealous of Randy" phase, I just stopped pulling dresses out of the closet. Well, Randy noticed this morning that I had not changed the dress on the wall. It took him a week and a half to say anything so not sure if he didnt notice before today or if it just took him that long to say something.
Here is the difference in how we grew up - Me: say what you mean, WHEN it happens - get it over with; Randy: hem and haw, think about a better time to bring it up, let it stew, beat around the bush, maybe actually get around to saying what is on your mind. That is why I say I dont know when he actually noticed it. Either way, he noticed, so Tuesday another dress will come out. Why Tuesday, you ask (all 2 of you that read this Blog - you know who you are)? Well, today I am not in the mood to be looking through all the dresses in my closet and tomorrow I will be driving back from WV to get ready for a Pampered Chef Team Meeting that is taking place at my house Monday night. SO, Tuesday, I will pull out another dress.
As for today, Church was the plan but after getting Zeke ready and sent off with Nana I realized that by the time I finished getting ready and taking Harley out for a walk it would be after 11am before I even left the house. Instead, I packed up all of Zeke's stuff and an overnight bag for me and am writing this. Absolutely NOT a substitute for Church, but at least I am not sitting around just twiddling my fingers. I am however, getting hungry so downstairs I go to figure out what's for lunch.
Here is the difference in how we grew up - Me: say what you mean, WHEN it happens - get it over with; Randy: hem and haw, think about a better time to bring it up, let it stew, beat around the bush, maybe actually get around to saying what is on your mind. That is why I say I dont know when he actually noticed it. Either way, he noticed, so Tuesday another dress will come out. Why Tuesday, you ask (all 2 of you that read this Blog - you know who you are)? Well, today I am not in the mood to be looking through all the dresses in my closet and tomorrow I will be driving back from WV to get ready for a Pampered Chef Team Meeting that is taking place at my house Monday night. SO, Tuesday, I will pull out another dress.
As for today, Church was the plan but after getting Zeke ready and sent off with Nana I realized that by the time I finished getting ready and taking Harley out for a walk it would be after 11am before I even left the house. Instead, I packed up all of Zeke's stuff and an overnight bag for me and am writing this. Absolutely NOT a substitute for Church, but at least I am not sitting around just twiddling my fingers. I am however, getting hungry so downstairs I go to figure out what's for lunch.
Friday, April 2, 2010
La Dee Da
The last couple of days have been a kind of whirlwind for me as I am finally back in the swing of partyin' and still trying to keep up with the house. Yesterday, Rebecca and I met again for a walk - kinda get used to it and love its consistency. No dogs this time. Grocery shopping, laundry, closing shows, booking parties, loading the dishes, unloading the dishes, making dinner, cleaning the kitchen - again and then finally sitting down to relax to a movie. We started with I love Huckabees....you know a movie is not going to be the one for you when the opening line is 15 words long and 10 of those are the F word...not my kind of movie. I glared at Randy and after about 20mins, he said something along the lines of why are we still watching this. So, take two, we watch Sahara. Entertaining movie, but really Penelope Cruz cant act - while we are at it, neither can Cameron Diaz or Meghan Fox. The only true part were she was believable was after she jumped off the camel onto the train - and that is because she actually did the jump and was thrilled she did it. Sorry, so off topic.
Woke up this morning with a horrific back ache again and looking forward to Chiropractic being in the budget again. I made myself get up and get the day started. Today, walk the dogs, lunch with Randy, unload the dishwasher - for three people, we sure do dirty a lot of dishes - get books ready to mail for paperbackswap.com and put together host packs to mail. Yea, that last one took me almost 3hrs! I forgot how time consuming putting those together are. Of course, I was mailing out 6. Let's just say, I am happy they are out and on their way to my April and May Hostess that have yet to receive them.
Now I sit here waiting for Mom so we can go to Leesburg's First Friday. Totally looking forward to walking around downtown in this BEAUTIFUL weather we are having. I also want to go to Lola's for a cupcake. Is that bad since there are about a dozen still sitting in my kitchen waiting to be given away or eaten.... lol
Now for the dresses. Below you will see 2 - the one for yesterday and the one for today. Yesterday is very elegant to me even though the pic just makes it look like a 2 piece skirt and shirt. It is 100% silk and I cant wait to wear it. I picked it up at Consignment Boutique in Leesburg last year for $10! Dress #2 is a great let's get dressed up and go out to a fancy restaurant dress. This one, I have worn. It is actually a gift from Randy and his family our first Christmas as a couple. They got it for me from Talbots and I love wearing it for him. I dont think he will be too disappointed to see me in it again.

Woke up this morning with a horrific back ache again and looking forward to Chiropractic being in the budget again. I made myself get up and get the day started. Today, walk the dogs, lunch with Randy, unload the dishwasher - for three people, we sure do dirty a lot of dishes - get books ready to mail for paperbackswap.com and put together host packs to mail. Yea, that last one took me almost 3hrs! I forgot how time consuming putting those together are. Of course, I was mailing out 6. Let's just say, I am happy they are out and on their way to my April and May Hostess that have yet to receive them.
Now I sit here waiting for Mom so we can go to Leesburg's First Friday. Totally looking forward to walking around downtown in this BEAUTIFUL weather we are having. I also want to go to Lola's for a cupcake. Is that bad since there are about a dozen still sitting in my kitchen waiting to be given away or eaten.... lol
Now for the dresses. Below you will see 2 - the one for yesterday and the one for today. Yesterday is very elegant to me even though the pic just makes it look like a 2 piece skirt and shirt. It is 100% silk and I cant wait to wear it. I picked it up at Consignment Boutique in Leesburg last year for $10! Dress #2 is a great let's get dressed up and go out to a fancy restaurant dress. This one, I have worn. It is actually a gift from Randy and his family our first Christmas as a couple. They got it for me from Talbots and I love wearing it for him. I dont think he will be too disappointed to see me in it again.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Yep, I've been slackin'. Not in my diet but in my Blog. Once I skip a day, that's it. But it is that way with everything.
So, today.....got up late due to back pain which was coming from.....and we pick it up where we left off yesterday..... sleeping too long. I know, rough problem to have, right? But that wasnt the problem last night. Not quite sure what was. Eventually I did get up and went for a walk with Becca and Calvin - their new fluffy puppy. Wasn't a long walk as it was freezing with the wind blowing, but we did get out and get a little exercise.
The rest of my day was spent with laundry, picking up my office, cleaning the kitchen and making dinner. Meatloaf was the plan until I smelled the meatloaf....so beef went in the trash and Tilapia came out of the freezer. My day ended with Criminal Minds Season 1 - none of the episodes on this disk had we seen so it was nice to watch.
Today started the same way, without the back ache. I got up and went for a walk. This time with Annabelle and Harley. I think I walk a little too fast for Annie cause she was a draggin' when we got home. Maybe tomorrow, we will just take Harley. More dishes and phone calls were made; then errands to run and home again to work on figuring out what to do.....gotta pay the bills and the weather kinda isnt helping my Pampered Chef business. (2 Cooking Shows in 3 months b/c of snow)
On my errands, I did score at the library. I found a book I need for my Book Club that I totally forgot I needed until I saw it...then as I am leaving, I notice their sale section and I picked up 5 DVD's and 7 books for $10! To me, that is a score.
Now as I sit here, I realize my plans for tonight are not going to happen as I have to get 2 shows closed and help get some orders in for others so March turns out alright....
As for today's dress, I dont know if I would still wear this one. not because it is not a hot little number and if I could fit into it I would look wonderful. But because I just dont think it is me anymore - even though it is a deep purple....and I am sure you notice the tags.

So, today.....got up late due to back pain which was coming from.....and we pick it up where we left off yesterday..... sleeping too long. I know, rough problem to have, right? But that wasnt the problem last night. Not quite sure what was. Eventually I did get up and went for a walk with Becca and Calvin - their new fluffy puppy. Wasn't a long walk as it was freezing with the wind blowing, but we did get out and get a little exercise.
The rest of my day was spent with laundry, picking up my office, cleaning the kitchen and making dinner. Meatloaf was the plan until I smelled the meatloaf....so beef went in the trash and Tilapia came out of the freezer. My day ended with Criminal Minds Season 1 - none of the episodes on this disk had we seen so it was nice to watch.
Today started the same way, without the back ache. I got up and went for a walk. This time with Annabelle and Harley. I think I walk a little too fast for Annie cause she was a draggin' when we got home. Maybe tomorrow, we will just take Harley. More dishes and phone calls were made; then errands to run and home again to work on figuring out what to do.....gotta pay the bills and the weather kinda isnt helping my Pampered Chef business. (2 Cooking Shows in 3 months b/c of snow)
On my errands, I did score at the library. I found a book I need for my Book Club that I totally forgot I needed until I saw it...then as I am leaving, I notice their sale section and I picked up 5 DVD's and 7 books for $10! To me, that is a score.
Now as I sit here, I realize my plans for tonight are not going to happen as I have to get 2 shows closed and help get some orders in for others so March turns out alright....
As for today's dress, I dont know if I would still wear this one. not because it is not a hot little number and if I could fit into it I would look wonderful. But because I just dont think it is me anymore - even though it is a deep purple....and I am sure you notice the tags.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Cupcakes, Cupcakes, Cupcakes
Today was the much anticipated 1st Annual Cupcake Exchange. Before it even started I was disappointed. We were supposed to have 18women coming - in the last 24hrs, we dropped down to 9! So much for commitment! However, with the 7 of us - yes that was 2 no shows - we had fun....I think. I had plenty of food on hand and we sat around and gabbed for about an hour. After exchanging our White Elephant (we did a stationary white elephant exchange), we gabbed some more. Then we ate the cupcakes. Shockingly, no one brought the same ones. I have posted the pics below so you can see who got really creative. Not sure that there will be a 2nd annual, cuz that's a lot of cupcakes. (276 to be exact) I have no office to pawn them off to, so I have roughly 40 cupcakes downstairs staring at me....that's a lot of cupcakes. We did have fun though so that makes the sore feet and the 3 loads of dishes today all worth it.
As for today's dress, yea, I have one, but it just doesnt seem right to post with all the cupcakes. Kinda defeats the purpose, you know.

As for today's dress, yea, I have one, but it just doesnt seem right to post with all the cupcakes. Kinda defeats the purpose, you know.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Finally, a Party
With all the Snow we had from Dec to Feb, my show schedule has been null and void. I finally had one yesterday and I felt all kinds of rusty. I got all the stuff in but boy did they talk and drink some wine. Good thing they were all neighbors and could just walk home. I also had a first: a woman showed up with her son thinking it was an Open House - as in the house was on the market. She was quite embarrassed when she realized her mistake. Of course, we told her they could stay, but I think the embarrassment won out and they left. It was a very late night for me, but was a good a good party and will be even better by the time we close it out.
As for yesterday's dress. the picture does not really do it justice but I think it is a hot little number and one that, again, I bought and have yet to wear. Wish me luck!
As for yesterday's dress. the picture does not really do it justice but I think it is a hot little number and one that, again, I bought and have yet to wear. Wish me luck!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Busy Day, Another Cute Dress
Today was one of those that I hit the floor running. I had lots to do and decided I should just get it done. For starters, I actually made a couple of phone calls. Yes, I made phone calls! And actually got a couple of parties booked off of it. Which reminds me, I need to send date options to a past hostess. She loves our stuff so much, so was ready to have a party as soon as her last party closed. I had to convince her to wait until the new catalog came out. :0)
Another part of my day was getting books out for paperbackswap.com If you havent check it out, you should. You post books you are willing to give away and get books from others. All you do is pay the postage of whatever book you give away. In the 2wks I have been on the site, I have received 3 books and given away 5! It seems my books are popular. I love it!
Something else I did today was go for a walk with a really good friend of mine. She is doing the Avon 3Day, so she picked all the long ways. It was a good little walk - 45mins - and then we went to the Total Basket Cases sale at the Comfort Suites in Leesburg for their Clearance sale. I picked up a sweet purse and a "laundry" bag I use for Pampered Chef inventory that I take to Multi-Vendor events. I am actually excited to go down stairs and actually get it all inventoried.
Now for today's dress. I bought this about 2yrs ago, because I have always had these grandiose ideas of how much weight I was going to lose and when I did, then I would wear this dress....that is why I have all these cute dresses in my closet still with tags on them. Not because I dont like them, but because I have yet to be able to wear them. Quite sad really...so, you will notice a tag on this dress....when I pulled it out this morning, Randy asked me if I had worn it yet. He then proceeded to tell me how much he is looking forward to seeing me in it. More motivation.....
Another part of my day was getting books out for paperbackswap.com If you havent check it out, you should. You post books you are willing to give away and get books from others. All you do is pay the postage of whatever book you give away. In the 2wks I have been on the site, I have received 3 books and given away 5! It seems my books are popular. I love it!
Something else I did today was go for a walk with a really good friend of mine. She is doing the Avon 3Day, so she picked all the long ways. It was a good little walk - 45mins - and then we went to the Total Basket Cases sale at the Comfort Suites in Leesburg for their Clearance sale. I picked up a sweet purse and a "laundry" bag I use for Pampered Chef inventory that I take to Multi-Vendor events. I am actually excited to go down stairs and actually get it all inventoried.
Now for today's dress. I bought this about 2yrs ago, because I have always had these grandiose ideas of how much weight I was going to lose and when I did, then I would wear this dress....that is why I have all these cute dresses in my closet still with tags on them. Not because I dont like them, but because I have yet to be able to wear them. Quite sad really...so, you will notice a tag on this dress....when I pulled it out this morning, Randy asked me if I had worn it yet. He then proceeded to tell me how much he is looking forward to seeing me in it. More motivation.....
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
New Dress, New Day
So, we just got back from 3days in AC where I took money from lots of boys :0) Yes, in case you didn't know, I play poker and I play it quite well. I love listening to the table talk as the guys try to figure out my hand. Only one player has ever been able to guess it with any accuracy and he hits it spot on every time. Nice guy, great poker player.
One thing about playing poker in AC, or Vegas for that matter, is that you eat like once a day. You totally don't even think about food and when you do, you are famished and then that is all you can think about. Because of that, I am down 2lbs over the weekend. Maybe I should play more often. :0) Actually, Charles Town opens their poker room on the 1st of July. I have a feeling Randy will be there often and in order to see him, I will have to be a Dealer. I think I would make a great dealer, but I don't know that he can play there if I deal there....
Now, for the dress. Today's dress is one that I have worn, but never really well. The last time I had it on, I was quite frumpy looking but only realized this AFTER I saw the pics. It is one of Randy's Faves, so I hope to finally do it justice.
One thing about playing poker in AC, or Vegas for that matter, is that you eat like once a day. You totally don't even think about food and when you do, you are famished and then that is all you can think about. Because of that, I am down 2lbs over the weekend. Maybe I should play more often. :0) Actually, Charles Town opens their poker room on the 1st of July. I have a feeling Randy will be there often and in order to see him, I will have to be a Dealer. I think I would make a great dealer, but I don't know that he can play there if I deal there....
Now, for the dress. Today's dress is one that I have worn, but never really well. The last time I had it on, I was quite frumpy looking but only realized this AFTER I saw the pics. It is one of Randy's Faves, so I hope to finally do it justice.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Oh, What a Beautiful Day!
What a day yesterday was! It was beautiful out. Well, I think it is beautiful, Randy is miserable with allergies. Every year I think they get worse. He looks like he has been crying all night. Poor Guy! We actually spent the day together for the most part. I got up in the AM and went with my to the FD to help with Angel Food. When I got home, he and I went to a contract signing for a job he is doing in Fairfax. Then he tagged along while I made Pampered Chef deliveries. Of course, we fit in a stop at Starbuck's and CVS. We ended our day with a friendly game of Poker.
As for my weight loss goals, I did good yesterday. Everytime I went to eat something, I thought about this Blog and how I will have to tell what I did and how I screwed up and it kept me honest. I also started my PreNatals. Let's see how well I remember.
As for yesterdays dress, it may not look like much but Randy LOVES it. He loves me in Red and when this fits, it is a hot little number.
As for my weight loss goals, I did good yesterday. Everytime I went to eat something, I thought about this Blog and how I will have to tell what I did and how I screwed up and it kept me honest. I also started my PreNatals. Let's see how well I remember.
As for yesterdays dress, it may not look like much but Randy LOVES it. He loves me in Red and when this fits, it is a hot little number.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The First Dress
And so it begins.....
Today has started as a whirlwind and quickly died down to a gentle breeze. I pulled my dress for the day out, had my OJ and Flaxseed and then went to CostCo with Mom so she could get some items for a Funeral today. I was supposed to bake and take, but decided to calm my day down my purchased already made. Thus, gentle breeze. I am now sitting at my laptop listening to a new album my friend, PJ Summers just released with his band PJ Summers Band. You have to check it out -http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/pj-summers-band/id360016467
I am now heading down for lunch - Strawberries, grapes, cucumbers, cheese and crackers. One of my faves! Plus, I gotta eat those grapes before they go bad. Chile is the provider and because of the recent earthquakes, they were EXPENSIVE! After it settles, I will be working out on the Wii and taking Harley for a walk around the neighborhood. The rest of my day will be rush, rush, rush...
Oh and here is a picture for today's dress.
Today has started as a whirlwind and quickly died down to a gentle breeze. I pulled my dress for the day out, had my OJ and Flaxseed and then went to CostCo with Mom so she could get some items for a Funeral today. I was supposed to bake and take, but decided to calm my day down my purchased already made. Thus, gentle breeze. I am now sitting at my laptop listening to a new album my friend, PJ Summers just released with his band PJ Summers Band. You have to check it out -http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/pj-sum
I am now heading down for lunch - Strawberries, grapes, cucumbers, cheese and crackers. One of my faves! Plus, I gotta eat those grapes before they go bad. Chile is the provider and because of the recent earthquakes, they were EXPENSIVE! After it settles, I will be working out on the Wii and taking Harley for a walk around the neighborhood. The rest of my day will be rush, rush, rush...
Oh and here is a picture for today's dress.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
All the Pretty Dresses
So it hit me, just now as I was getting out of my nice hot bath (dont some of the best ideas come to us when you are in the bathroom?), what my focus will be for this Blog. When I originally started writing, it was just as a way for me to Journal my day to day and if Randy ever wanted to know what was going on, he could check on here. Well, in recent days I started to think that maybe I want a point and purpose to this little outlet of mine but had no clue what to do - I have no kids, no office mates, really could care less about style or make-up and even though I feel like I have great wisdom to impart on those days I am feeling especially frisky, I really just dont want to go there. And then EUREKA! I had it....
In June, Randy and I will be going on a trip to Disney - thank you Pampered Chef - and I am determined to have lost weight for the trip. Besides the whole watch what you eat, exercise, keep a food journal, yada, yada, yada, every morning when I am getting dressed I pull out a dress I would like to fit back into. I hang it where I can see it everytime I walk into my closet - yes, walk - as a reminder of what I want to focus on that day. I pull it out in the morning so that my day starts in the right frame of mind. It helps me keep to what I know I am supposed to do...
So, this Blog will now be a Journal of sorts for my weight loss journey and beyond. I will tell you - my one follower - what I am eating, what I should not have eaten and how I felt about it; what exercise I did that day and the mental process I go through to make myself exercise; I might even post pics of all the pretty dresses I will be wearing come June. I look forward to this journey and for having you along.
In June, Randy and I will be going on a trip to Disney - thank you Pampered Chef - and I am determined to have lost weight for the trip. Besides the whole watch what you eat, exercise, keep a food journal, yada, yada, yada, every morning when I am getting dressed I pull out a dress I would like to fit back into. I hang it where I can see it everytime I walk into my closet - yes, walk - as a reminder of what I want to focus on that day. I pull it out in the morning so that my day starts in the right frame of mind. It helps me keep to what I know I am supposed to do...
So, this Blog will now be a Journal of sorts for my weight loss journey and beyond. I will tell you - my one follower - what I am eating, what I should not have eaten and how I felt about it; what exercise I did that day and the mental process I go through to make myself exercise; I might even post pics of all the pretty dresses I will be wearing come June. I look forward to this journey and for having you along.
Boring, but it was My Day
What to say about today...it was productive. I started my day with a Banana and 1000mg of Advil and promptly went back to bed. When I finally got up at 9am, I was already an hour late for the Consignment Sale I was volunteering for. After finally arriving 2hrs late, I spent 2hrs organizing the racks. ALL the racks and the shoes so that I could watch a 2yr old promptly destroy the nice stacks I had made.
I left at Noon to catch lunch with the Honey who was just leaving the house for the job he is working on in McLean. We caught a bite and then I had some errands to run. After closing our Bank accounts at a certain bank I USED to Love, I went by the PO to mail some books that were requested on www.paperbackswap.com, and then went to our other Bank to get a new Checkcard. The replacement never came in the mail. By the time I got all that done and walked Harley it was already 3:30pm. I had a meeting tonight in Warrenton and decided to head on over.
After finding where I was supposed to be, I walked around downtown and then drove back to the Starbucky's for a latte and work on my next lesson with Rhema Bible Correspondence School. I finished my lesson and went back to my meeting. It was a first for me and I think I may just go back. After stopping for gas on the way home (sad that I thought, ooh it's $2.69 I better get some), I made it home to go over my day with Mom and had a bowl of Special K Chocolate Delight. Yummy!
Now, I am heading off to a nice hot bath cause tomorrow is another day sure to be full of things that will drain my gas tank and my energy reserves.
I left at Noon to catch lunch with the Honey who was just leaving the house for the job he is working on in McLean. We caught a bite and then I had some errands to run. After closing our Bank accounts at a certain bank I USED to Love, I went by the PO to mail some books that were requested on www.paperbackswap.com, and then went to our other Bank to get a new Checkcard. The replacement never came in the mail. By the time I got all that done and walked Harley it was already 3:30pm. I had a meeting tonight in Warrenton and decided to head on over.
After finding where I was supposed to be, I walked around downtown and then drove back to the Starbucky's for a latte and work on my next lesson with Rhema Bible Correspondence School. I finished my lesson and went back to my meeting. It was a first for me and I think I may just go back. After stopping for gas on the way home (sad that I thought, ooh it's $2.69 I better get some), I made it home to go over my day with Mom and had a bowl of Special K Chocolate Delight. Yummy!
Now, I am heading off to a nice hot bath cause tomorrow is another day sure to be full of things that will drain my gas tank and my energy reserves.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
So much for Good Boy.....
Yesterday was a beautimus day out. Windows were open; kiddos were playing outside; dogs were lovin' all the activity. I even enjoyed a little outside time with some of the ladies in the neighborhood. I finally feel like I am part of a community.
Today was another beautiful day, but I had errands to run and commits to uphold so I didnt get to enjoy it as much as I would have liked. The windows are still open and right not, I here all the motorcycles going up and down the road and kids laughing at the playground. (Yes, I hear other noises but I choose to only listen to the bikes and kids.)
Oh, and remember that Good Boy, Bad Dog from yesterday? Well, today he is a Bad Dog. I just came in from being going only AN HOUR to find part of the outside packaging and pieces of foil from a pack on gum that was ON my desk. I do have to say in his defense that it appears Mom may have moved the gum from where I had it and it may have fallen on the floor, but still. He ate the whole pack! Like I said though, iron stomach.....cant wait for tonight's walk. Yuck!
Today was another beautiful day, but I had errands to run and commits to uphold so I didnt get to enjoy it as much as I would have liked. The windows are still open and right not, I here all the motorcycles going up and down the road and kids laughing at the playground. (Yes, I hear other noises but I choose to only listen to the bikes and kids.)
Oh, and remember that Good Boy, Bad Dog from yesterday? Well, today he is a Bad Dog. I just came in from being going only AN HOUR to find part of the outside packaging and pieces of foil from a pack on gum that was ON my desk. I do have to say in his defense that it appears Mom may have moved the gum from where I had it and it may have fallen on the floor, but still. He ate the whole pack! Like I said though, iron stomach.....cant wait for tonight's walk. Yuck!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Good Boy, Bad Dog
I have decided that I want this Blog to have a purpose or some kind of flow to it, but not sure yet what I want it to be. I have no kids that I can fondly write about all the quirky things they say and do each day. I dont have an office that I go to with co-workers that I can talk about.....I just have me and Randy and Harley and The Pampered Chef. I guess this is what they call using what you have.
So let's start with Harley. I called him a blessing yesterday and that is just what he is. He is my Good Boy Bad Dog and is the bestest dog in the whole wide world! Really, he is and I dare anyone to tell me differently. You tell him one time and he remembers; he listens and doesnt back talk; he isnt a barker unless Annabelle starts it or he thinks there is danger; he only licks when you really deserve it and is the BEST snuggler at night. We got him from Lost Dog 2 1/2 years ago and I dont know what I would do without him. We did lose him one night and I felt like my heart had been ripped out.....I was never so happy to see him as I was when I picked him up from the pound. But, see here is where he proves he is a good boy - he stayed in the neighborhood and followed a neighbor around on his nightly run and played nicely with the kiddies until the Animal Shelter came to get him and he went right along....see Good Boy. Oh, but yes, he is the Bad Dog - have come home to evidence of him eating an entire bag of Dove Dark Choc - foil and all, and in the same sitting, a bag of gummy bears. He has also eaten half a bag of peanut M&M's and licked clean a tube of Cortizone-10 - not just licked clean, but opened it, flattened it out and licked it clean. Now, obviously Harley is a mutt cause he didnt even so much as fart when he ate ANY of these items. He has an iron stomach, but like I said before Good Dog Bad Boy.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
So yesterday I got up and decided it was time to get back to working out. I have not worked out since the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. I knew it would take a while to get back to it, because I know me and 5 days without working out meant it was no longer routine. I tried the EA Active Wii Game and was a little disappointed. The workout itself was great. What I didnt like about it is that it didnt always register what I was doing so I had to do it longer. The leg strap also kept falling down which meant I am running in place but the game has me slowly jogging. Very Frustrating.
Then I started with the pics to list on EBay. Amazon has no customer service or any appeal process other than form letters - we were kicked off their site and now only have EBay to list items on. So after getting ready for the day, I took pictures and then listed.
Last night was also the first meeting of the FurBaby Food Bank. Like a regular food bank, but for cats and dogs. Where we are there are a lot of people that have to get rid of a pet because of financial reasons. Are goal is to be a resource for those people and provide them with the food and supplies necessary to keep the family pet.
And of course, I ended my day watching videos. I finished off Season 3 of Criminal Minds last week. This week I am working on Without A Trace. Hopefully, Season 5 of CM will get here soon - Netflix.
Now to the teleseminar - something about overcoming your fear of selling.
Then I started with the pics to list on EBay. Amazon has no customer service or any appeal process other than form letters - we were kicked off their site and now only have EBay to list items on. So after getting ready for the day, I took pictures and then listed.
Last night was also the first meeting of the FurBaby Food Bank. Like a regular food bank, but for cats and dogs. Where we are there are a lot of people that have to get rid of a pet because of financial reasons. Are goal is to be a resource for those people and provide them with the food and supplies necessary to keep the family pet.
And of course, I ended my day watching videos. I finished off Season 3 of Criminal Minds last week. This week I am working on Without A Trace. Hopefully, Season 5 of CM will get here soon - Netflix.
Now to the teleseminar - something about overcoming your fear of selling.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Is Harley a Cat Dog?
So last week was a blur....I had a cold and didnt do much of anything. Then on Friday I felt like I had been hit by a mac truck and stayed in bed most of the day....that is a luxury I get whenever I want since I work from home and have no kids. :0) Saturday I wake up and have a little bit of a runny nose, like that mac did a hit and run.
Last night thankfully I was feeling better because it was League night. I doubled my investment so that is always good. Today, again, that mac is no where to be found. I will say that it would suck if it had turned up again because today are the play-offs and I am looking forward to going out and watching it on the big screen.
Oh, and the mice. Yes, they are still here and last night I heard them eating my Cookbooks!! No, that is not a typo. My cookbooks! So, it looks like we will be finding out if Harley likes Cats.
Last night thankfully I was feeling better because it was League night. I doubled my investment so that is always good. Today, again, that mac is no where to be found. I will say that it would suck if it had turned up again because today are the play-offs and I am looking forward to going out and watching it on the big screen.
Oh, and the mice. Yes, they are still here and last night I heard them eating my Cookbooks!! No, that is not a typo. My cookbooks! So, it looks like we will be finding out if Harley likes Cats.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Why is There An ELEPHANT On My Head?
Seriously, it started as it always does and then BAM!, congestion, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose. At least I dont have any shows this week.
So, to catch up. This past week as been quite busy and successful, which makes the busy part worth it. Randy and I are in full swing with our Amazon and EBay stores. This week, from Craigslist, we sold a set of wheels and the last of two fireplaces that have been taking up space in the garage. Last week, we sold the other fireplace and three windows. If we keep it up, Randy might even be able to stop having to deal with customers. I interviewed a potential consultant last week and she signed up today, doing her first show at my house at the end of the month. I am quite excited for her. Randy's folks got two new puppies and they are the cutest things! We cant wait to meet them and we are getting the basement cleaned out, so a trip to M&J's is in the plans so that we can get them the couches. I like having the place cleaned and organized....oh, and I think I just heard the mouse trap catch another little booger, or at least I hope so.
I do hate not feeling well. There is so much I want and need to get done, but no energy or umph to get it done. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
So, to catch up. This past week as been quite busy and successful, which makes the busy part worth it. Randy and I are in full swing with our Amazon and EBay stores. This week, from Craigslist, we sold a set of wheels and the last of two fireplaces that have been taking up space in the garage. Last week, we sold the other fireplace and three windows. If we keep it up, Randy might even be able to stop having to deal with customers. I interviewed a potential consultant last week and she signed up today, doing her first show at my house at the end of the month. I am quite excited for her. Randy's folks got two new puppies and they are the cutest things! We cant wait to meet them and we are getting the basement cleaned out, so a trip to M&J's is in the plans so that we can get them the couches. I like having the place cleaned and organized....oh, and I think I just heard the mouse trap catch another little booger, or at least I hope so.
I do hate not feeling well. There is so much I want and need to get done, but no energy or umph to get it done. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Today was a busy day, or so it seemed.....
My day really started at Noon with a drive out to Martinsburg for New Consultant training. Now mind you, she isnt actually my Consultant. She is on a Team on my Team. You caught that right? Anyway, after her training - which included feeding the Toddler a banana and talking over a crying baby, I drove right back to Leesburg to do an interview. I totally cant wait until she joins the Team. She already has 6 shows booked and her husband is on board. Gotta love it when that happens!
I am now home, with more auction stuff to take care of and organizing to be done. We started on the basement last night and now need to "finish" In the process of organizing the basement, we are also working on the garage. Will I actually be able to park in there this year? Somehow I really dont think so, even if we get it organized, I am sure it will just be used for storage.
So now I am off to put on the fluffy PJ's and get comfy. That way, it doesnt really seem like work.
I am now home, with more auction stuff to take care of and organizing to be done. We started on the basement last night and now need to "finish" In the process of organizing the basement, we are also working on the garage. Will I actually be able to park in there this year? Somehow I really dont think so, even if we get it organized, I am sure it will just be used for storage.
So now I am off to put on the fluffy PJ's and get comfy. That way, it doesnt really seem like work.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A Little Warmer Today
Have I mentioned that one of the benefits of working from home is the ability to sleep in late? Well, it is, and I love it! And because we have the best dog in the whole wide world, I dont even have to wake up to walk him. He waits until I am ready - everyday, almost every time. So today, I got up at Noon thirty and ate some oatmeal - Harley stayed in bed. I then took a shower and took my sweet time getting ready - Harley is still in bed. Then I utter those magic words "You wanna go outside" and he is up and running downstairs. 1:30 in the afternoon! Like I said, the best dog in the whole wide world.
When we were ready to go out, Randy had to go talk to a neighbor so I asked if I need a coat. His response - You Will....meaning he didnt. But wouldnt you know, he is the one that had a coat on. It is 42 degrees out and beautiful. And, yes, it was a little warmer today.
When we were ready to go out, Randy had to go talk to a neighbor so I asked if I need a coat. His response - You Will....meaning he didnt. But wouldnt you know, he is the one that had a coat on. It is 42 degrees out and beautiful. And, yes, it was a little warmer today.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Start of New Day
Today starts a new day and I am still trying to get things in order. Last night, I stayed up until 2am making sure all of our movies are accounted for - still cant find the DVD for Valiant but I know it is around here somewhere. The I slept late, because I could. Now I am contemplating whether to look up the extras on Amazon or continuing putting in movies that I found in our sitting room last night. I still need to find a couple more of the shelving units for the movies so they are piled on the windowsill.
Randy and I are discussing moving all the workout stuffs into his office and making the basement more of his office, our auction stuff. Less stairs to carry everything up and down and less mess in the living room. We have to have the basement cleared out by the 20th though, it will be our turn to host Poker Night.
Now onto the day...no more wasting time for me....at least for now.
Randy and I are discussing moving all the workout stuffs into his office and making the basement more of his office, our auction stuff. Less stairs to carry everything up and down and less mess in the living room. We have to have the basement cleared out by the 20th though, it will be our turn to host Poker Night.
Now onto the day...no more wasting time for me....at least for now.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Typical Monday
Every Monday now starts the same way, Auctions! Today it started a little earlier than most b/c the last couple of weeks we missed some items we wanted because we couldnt bring ourselves to the get out of bed point....this morning, I am awaken by a bright eyed and bushy tailed husband at 7am. He wanted to know when I was getting up, am I getting up, can he turn the light on. Seriously, do you see me and Harley sleeping. Aarggh! I was getting up, I just take a little time to get out of bed. Poor Harley just looked at me as if to say, "What the heck do you think you are doing and what is that stupid light on?"
Well we did make it on time to see everything ahead of time and then didnt buy anything for the first 2hrs. You see they were selling an estate of some one who passed and they had QUITE the instrument and gun collection. Then they stayed around and paid MORE than retail for other stuff. Those of us that are there to make money, didnt get much today - that is fo' sho'!
Once we get home, we then pack up items we have sold and I take them to the Post Office, always getting there about 15-20mins before they close. They know it is almost quitting time when I walk in the door. :0)
Now I am sitting in a cold home trying to decide do a put on the PJ's and watch a movie or do a take a hot bath bef....well, I decided.
Night for now, Bubbles are calling my name.
Well we did make it on time to see everything ahead of time and then didnt buy anything for the first 2hrs. You see they were selling an estate of some one who passed and they had QUITE the instrument and gun collection. Then they stayed around and paid MORE than retail for other stuff. Those of us that are there to make money, didnt get much today - that is fo' sho'!
Once we get home, we then pack up items we have sold and I take them to the Post Office, always getting there about 15-20mins before they close. They know it is almost quitting time when I walk in the door. :0)
Now I am sitting in a cold home trying to decide do a put on the PJ's and watch a movie or do a take a hot bath bef....well, I decided.
Night for now, Bubbles are calling my name.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
New Day, New Post
Two days in a row, I am on a roll....not really, but it feels good to remember. Today was long and my neck and feet hurt. I am anxious to hear from a couple of guests and the Hostess from last night. I need to get their shows closed for triple points....tonight is the deadline. I need the triple points for Maui.
I think I am going to take a little break and play something on the computer while I wait. Eventually these will get more enlightening, but for now, this is all you get.
I think I am going to take a little break and play something on the computer while I wait. Eventually these will get more enlightening, but for now, this is all you get.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
New Year......
I am attempting to keep up with all my accounts....facebook and yahoo, no problem; blog and twitter, cant seem to even remember I have them.
This week I worked on listing the items from Monday's auction. Today I have a Show and then I have to come home and get the house cleaned for the Show I am having at the house tomorrow. Then, I start back to appointments and networking. We have to get more jobs....
This week I worked on listing the items from Monday's auction. Today I have a Show and then I have to come home and get the house cleaned for the Show I am having at the house tomorrow. Then, I start back to appointments and networking. We have to get more jobs....
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