Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you would have ______ ? Insert whatever you want there: gone to a different College, not taken that trip, sent that email, made that phone call, etc. Some many little decisions end up being big decisions in the end. The School you chose is where you found your Spouse; The Trip you took is where you got a flat and made a new best friends; The email started a chain reaction that raised thousands for your Ministry; A phone call you didn't make was the last time you would have been able to talk to your friend. Every decision we make will make a ripple effect, we just dont know to what extent. And, really, we will never know the full extent as each decision, prompts other decisions which prompt other decisions, etc.
This, I have been thinking about a lot recently. Why? Who knows. But when I think back, in High School Kevin was fined by the Military for damaging Gov't property when he injured himself on Leave which helped me decide not to go to the Academy. Yes, I was supposed to go to the Academy - Air Force or Navy, I had yet to decide. That one situation changed my future and turned me in a totally different direction that has resulted in my not ever going to College. I even married a man that is totally against it as a whole. What if when Bruce asked me what I was doing Saturday, I said "Nothing"? Would I have ever gone to the website, where I met my husband? Would I have ever even met Randy? Would I still be living in NOVA? So many small things have such long range results, I wonder how many times we take that into consideration when we do something, dont do something, say or not say something.
What about those of us who have lost a loved one or heard of something tragic happening and think, "I was going to call them" or "I was supposed to be there, but...." When we are prompted by that little voice, how many times do we listen? Or how many times do we think, "I'll do it later", or "That isnt going to matter"? That little voice, it is what keeps us out of trouble or even allows us to keep others out of trouble. The next time it speaks, take a little more time to listen. It could have far reaching consequences for Generations to come.
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