I know. Interesting question that could mean so many things, depending on your frame of mind. How do you see yourself? How do you wake up in the morning? How do you decide what to do each day? How do you see others? How do you react when things dont go your way; when they do?
For me, it depends on the day for most of these. I am, however, an optimist and choose to always see the glass as half full. I am able - in most cases - to see the good in every situation and am rarely the Debbie Downer. I will trust you until you give me a reason not to. I do also listen to the Spirit in my perception of people. I know on first encounter if you can be trusted and if you will be worth the time it will take to cultivate a relationship. If the answer is no, you may never really know (I am a Poker Player, you know) how I feel but you will never get my full attention. Maybe this is wrong, but I like to think of it as me staying out of trouble and regretting any time wasted on that individual. Randy has even asked me to come on estimates with him so that I am able to help him decide on the job. And he actually listens to my opinion.
I do wish there were other things that I did differently. I fully understand that I am a work in progress and will always be; that my day to day is missing some key elements and I hope to change that as well; that I would make better choices at times when it comes to how I spend my day and with whom; that the words I speak can always come back to bite me and I should be carefully about how sharp I make those teeth.
My challenge to you is this: think about "How you....." Make a decision every day before you get out of bed to see the glass half full; to not let yesterday's mistakes affect today's choices; to find the good in the people around you, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. Choose to live your life for you and not through others. At the end of the day, and at the end of our lives, we are only accountable for our actions and choices. Try to remember the next time you have to decide "How you...."
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