Today I had a very interesting thing happen which has prompted me to make sure who I am is Loud and Clear. I have a Facebook Page which I am on all the time. I enjoy keeping up with friends I have not seem since High School but also with friends I may have seen yesterday. I also get business on this page and have family as part of my "friends" group, including 2 nephews under the age of 15. Today, I was told my Posts were offensive. Seriously, my posts that my DAD, MOM and 2 Nephews read are offensive?! SO, I got to thinking and the only thing I could come up with is the recent posts about Music Preference. I am really enjoying "Our God" by Chris Tomlin. REALLY enjoying it. If it were a tape, it would probably be worn out by now. Seriously enjoying this song. And if that is the post that has prompted the Un-Friending and the Offensive comment, than maybe I have not made myself clear. Just so that we are all on the same page, I am a Born Again, Spirit Filled Christian. I believe the Bible, ALL of it - including the parts about Healing the Sick and Raising the Dead. There is nothing that anyone could say, do or show me that would change this. There is not a part of me that would ever, for one second, denounce this FACT or try to turn away from it. Without God, none of us would wake up in the morning and I am very much aware of this fact and owe my everything to Him.
Now, having said that, I have friends that are not Christians. I have friends that are. I have friends that are Jewish and I have friends that are Athiest and Agnostic. I have Straight friends and I have Gay friends. I have friends in Ministry all over the World and friends that would never consider going into the Ministry. My beliefs do not change who they are or my level of acceptance of them. I love all my friends the same and am very thankful to have each one.
When I said yesterday that I was hoping this Blog would have a point and be a Growth for me, I surely was not expecting this. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that maybe this is the best way to start. I don't know what tomorrow will bring or what lesson(s) I will learn, but I look forward to the Journey. I hope that you will stick with me for it.
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