Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Here We Go Again, One More Time

So, I cant seem to stick to this Blog thing for long and then when I do get back to it, it never seems to be what it was. That being said, I am going to try yet another new angle. I really do want this to be a learning experience. Not just for me, but for anyone who happens upon it. I have friends with Blogs about their Kids - no kids here; their New Recipes - I can cook and bake with the best of them, but make something up? Uh, No; their adventures on the road - vacation, sure but a lifetime?; politics - not here, not ever (yes, I have a VERY strong opinion but I do not feel that this is not the place to express it....So I have decided I am just going to write. My daily life or whatever else happens to fly off my fingertips. I hope to use this as a way to be purposeful and learn something new everyday. You so don't want to hear about how I slept in and ran errands and didn't make phone calls everyday. I know this and I hope to keep it moving forward with new insights and keep off the mundane.

I hope that you enjoy this new avenue and let's see how long I keep this one going.


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