Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Picture A Day, Day 12

So, yesterday I attempted, for the first time EVER, to make homemade chicken soup. Looked at a recipe for suggestions on seasonings and the right about of broth and went for it. Randy ate it all. Yesterday. He then asked if he could have some more. Today. So, here is Randy's dinner.

Yes. Randy's dinner. I am not a big soup person, nor do I care for celery or cauliflower, which this soup has. I am sure by tomorrow night I will need to make some more.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Picture A Day, Day 10

So, Mom moved to Haiti on Dec 1st. She gave away or is selling most of her stuff. Some stuff we have so that she has access to it when she is in the States. One of the things she is selling is her Buick.

This is it. It has less than 70K miles on it and ran fantastic until it wouldnt start one day. It does need a new battery and seems to have a slow transmission fluid leak, but if you know anyone looking for a car, please let us know. The money will go in her Haiti fund and help her do Kingdom work.


A Picture A Day, Day 11

So, I realized today that I have not been taking pics. I have been thinking about taking pics, but unfortunately that doesn't translate into actually taking them. Below is the pic for today....

Don't tell her it is too big! Thanks to my Sister-In-Law and her husband, we have a bag of these. I tried them out with the kiddos this morning and none of them really knew what to do with it. I left it laying in the floor and proceeded with my day, only to find the littlest of the three chewing on it a couple of hours later. It will be interesting to see A: how long it lasts and B: how long it remains Pearl's before Annabelle decides she needs to hide it.

I will try to take some extra pics over the next couple of days to catch up - obviously wont be the daily sunset. I would like to get a shot of the absolutely beautiful moon and cloudless sky we have been having lately. For that, I think I will have to bring out the real camera.

Until Then


Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Picture A Day, Catch Up

So, below you will find the pictures for Jan 1st to 4th....Enjoy!

Randy like to lay his shirts on Harley and watch him walk around in it. Harley is usually cooperative until I pull out the camera. Not the real camera, the iPhone camera. For whatever reason, it makes him nervous. This is him getting up from relaxing on the floor as I snapped a pic with the iPhone.

We are eBay resellers and this month I am working on cleaning out the house of things we originally bought/acquired for personal use but have found that we aren't using it or never will. This is one of those things. Fantastic - still works - game with sound. Going for a pretty penny on Amazon and eBay.

Dinner. Another thing I have been doing for the last couple of weeks is make dinner on a regular basis. I know. I know. I am a Pampered Chef Consultant who enjoys cooking. You would think I would cook everyday. I dont. This is one time I did.

I have yet to buy a Calendar for 2012 and this is one I found I liked. Problem was solved today as I purchased a Groupon for a Calendar from Vistaprint. Thanks Groupon!

And there you have it, I am all caught up. Can't wait to see what ends up being todays pic. Hopefully the sunset.


A Picture A Day, Day 2

If this doesn't say they LOVE their treats, I dont know what does. Every night after the last time they get to go "outside", we all run up to my office for the last treat of the day. It use to be Miss Lucy's Bully Sticks. Unfortunately, they loved them too much about ripped each other apart one night when I dog thought the other had picked up a CRUMB from their "spot". That was the last night of Bully Sticks. Now, they get these fantastic Chicken Treats from Costco.

Yes, they still love their night time treat, but not so much that they bite each others heads off if another is rooting around in their "spot". Better thing for me too as they are cheaper than shipping the Bully Sticks from Miss Lucy.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Picture A Day

SO this is the picture that has motivated me to try, once again, and keep a Blog. I know. I know. How many times am I actually going to try this. Well, here's another.

My friend Brandy has an album on her FB page that shows a picture a day for 2012. I thought, "what a great idea", so I took a pic. Today on my way home from a job, I looked out my window and thought that the sunset would make a great picture for today. Which then led me to thinking I should take a picture of the sunset every day around the same time. Lofty goal, I know. I will attempt it. In the very real possibility that a miss a day or five, I will post a pic nonetheless.

Let's see how long I keep this one up. Wish me luck!