The last couple of days have been a kind of whirlwind for me as I am finally back in the swing of partyin' and still trying to keep up with the house. Yesterday, Rebecca and I met again for a walk - kinda get used to it and love its consistency. No dogs this time. Grocery shopping, laundry, closing shows, booking parties, loading the dishes, unloading the dishes, making dinner, cleaning the kitchen - again and then finally sitting down to relax to a movie. We started with I love know a movie is not going to be the one for you when the opening line is 15 words long and 10 of those are the F word...not my kind of movie. I glared at Randy and after about 20mins, he said something along the lines of why are we still watching this. So, take two, we watch Sahara. Entertaining movie, but really Penelope Cruz cant act - while we are at it, neither can Cameron Diaz or Meghan Fox. The only true part were she was believable was after she jumped off the camel onto the train - and that is because she actually did the jump and was thrilled she did it. Sorry, so off topic.
Woke up this morning with a horrific back ache again and looking forward to Chiropractic being in the budget again. I made myself get up and get the day started. Today, walk the dogs, lunch with Randy, unload the dishwasher - for three people, we sure do dirty a lot of dishes - get books ready to mail for and put together host packs to mail. Yea, that last one took me almost 3hrs! I forgot how time consuming putting those together are. Of course, I was mailing out 6. Let's just say, I am happy they are out and on their way to my April and May Hostess that have yet to receive them.
Now I sit here waiting for Mom so we can go to Leesburg's First Friday. Totally looking forward to walking around downtown in this BEAUTIFUL weather we are having. I also want to go to Lola's for a cupcake. Is that bad since there are about a dozen still sitting in my kitchen waiting to be given away or eaten.... lol
Now for the dresses. Below you will see 2 - the one for yesterday and the one for today. Yesterday is very elegant to me even though the pic just makes it look like a 2 piece skirt and shirt. It is 100% silk and I cant wait to wear it. I picked it up at Consignment Boutique in Leesburg last year for $10! Dress #2 is a great let's get dressed up and go out to a fancy restaurant dress. This one, I have worn. It is actually a gift from Randy and his family our first Christmas as a couple. They got it for me from Talbots and I love wearing it for him. I dont think he will be too disappointed to see me in it again.